21st Century Skills


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Daily Wallpapers

Below is a selection of some of the wallpapers I made, more can be found here.

Skill: Creativity

Added value for employer: By daily making wallpapers, I'm busy every day learning new techniques, getting to know the programs better and generally to work faster with Photoshop and Illustrator.

Proof: I have recorded the making of some of the wallpapers and put them in the video below.

Project N

I have created a bot with which you can have simple conversations and ask specific searches like "search for images of dogs" and it will use Google Images to search dogs or you can ask "Where is Brussels" and it will show you Brussels on a map.

Skill: ICT literacy

Added value for employer: By working on this project I have learned to code better in JavaScript and JQuery and interativity in websites.

Proof: I have been making Project N for some time and below I have provided links to different versions of it so you can see the evolution in both style and features.

Tutoring Photoshop

I have given tutoring to fellow students who have difficulty working with Photoshop.

Skill: Communication

Added value for employer: By giving these tutorings, I enrich the skill to convey information to others such as the training of new coworkers.

Proof: The link below is the first teaching package with course (in Dutch).

Editing Wikipedia

I edit pages and create illustrations for Wikipedia.

Skills: ICT literacy and creativity

Added value for employer: It shows that I along with current technology and that I can convey information as well as create digital renderings of devices.

Proof: In the links below you can see the contributions I've made.

Is er Creativity in de Gym?

A have worked together with a group of fellow student to organize an event in the Creativity Gym for IMD students April 19th. It is gamen around the theme of IMD (Interactive Multimedia Design).

Skill: Working together

Added value for employer: It shows that I can make a project together with a group and that I can complete it.

Proof: The link below goes to the event on Facebook which contains photos of it.

IMD Invites Tim Van Damme

On monday the 25th April I went to “IMD Invites Tim Van Damme: Conquering Design Chaos” in the Creativity Gym.

Skill: Social and communications

Added value for employer: I learned about business culture and working and living in the US.

Proof: In the document are photos, the ticket and a short summary.